Thursday, April 29, 2010

I eat the wrinkly apples because they taste the most delicious.

Almond trees
Took a walk with my friend Ellie around the parcela
Fernando is my best friend here... chileano huevon that he is.

My little shack cottage is peaking out in the bottom left corner there...
Jenny and I made dulce de membrillo... and NEVER AGAIN (in total, a 24 hour project spread out over 3 days).

These are membrillos. They look like fuzzy apples and smell like pears.
The final (delicious!) product.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

La Vida Alhue

We have thousands upon thousands of kilos of grapes... and every day fight the battle against the birds who try to steal our harvest!!
Fernando and I share pancito and mate early every morning. It's been about 4 degrees celcius when I wake up, fyi. This fire is a blessing for me.

El chiquito y el Orion... the most beautiful calves I've ever seen.
These grapes taste like strawberries (you probably don't believe me but it's true). Also, the strawberries taste like snozberries...
My front yard in the early morning.
This is the Ecoferia where I work every Saturday. My cheese is contraband thanks to the chilean government but we sell it under the table anyway... and we always sell out.

I make the cheese.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

La vida, la chacra

I really live the life of a farm laborer these days. It´s my last stop before I finally (FINALLY) return home. It´s rugged living, no hot water for example and sometimes no water at all, but its a beauty of a farm. I made friends with the dog Drago; he eats bees.
I harvest apples, membrillos (pronounced mem-bree-yos), lavender, grapes, almends, walnuts, and figs.

I wish you could smell this lavender through the computer. It smells like bliss.

This is my friend Paula who comes to visit and work on the farm sometimes. We sell our products at the organic market in Santiago every Saturday. Everyone thinks I´m from France. Not sure where I picked up that accent...

(My friend Drago in the background chasing those bees.)

I have more to post but my camera ran out of battery. We live far away from internet but I promise to try to post more soon. I snuck out this morning on an old rusty shimano mountain bike. Its an incredible feeling winding through the mountains on a chilean fm road. Makes me miss the Austin bike culture. And, as always, I miss all yall back home.